Monday, April 30, 2007

National Article regarding MS Governor's race

This isn't a home for promoting certain campaigns but I saw this article regarding John Arthur Eaves, Democratic Gubanatorial candidate, in the Washington Post. It is rare that MS gets national press that isn't derogatory in some manner so when I see an article that isn't taking a swipe at MS I thought I might pass it along.

Link to the article here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Camera's in the Courtroom

As I watch the news tonight I can't help but think back 6 or 7 years to a speech I heard in undergrad. The speaker was (then) Mississippi Supreme Court Chief Justice Ed Pittman and the speech was about putting camera's in the courtrooms to help make the courts more transparent. This seemed to be very important for Chief Justice Pittman and has become one of his most notable pieces of his legacy on the bench.

This speech has revisted me with the most recent trial of Frank Melton where a camera in the courtroom has been fed to the Jackson television stations and is live streaming on their websites for anyone to view when court is in session. Additionally, most oral arguments before the Mississippi Supreme Court and Court of Appeals are broadcast on the Supreme Courts website. Back in 2001 I though Justice Pittman's idea of the camera's was good but now it seems as they are actually working as he planned it seems like a terrific idea, allowing us a look into trials ranging from Edgar Ray Killen to Frank Melton to Haley Barbour v. the Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi, all of which were streamed across the state for those who wanted to watch.

For live videos feeds of the Supreme Court & the Court of Appeals see here
For the statement released by the Court when camera's were first allowed see here
For the most recent streaming involving the mayor of our state capital you can go to WLBT, WAPT or WJTV and catch their streams.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Clarion Ledger doin the hard work

Wanted to make sure and pass along this good compilation. The CL has compiled the Senate voting records for SB - 2391 (Abortion clarifications), 2764 (Disbanding the Board of Health), 2375 (Toll Roads), 3215 (Economic Development), 2470 (felony firearm possession); HB 238 (Education Funding), 423 (Deer Baiting), 1500 (Windstorm, Insurance Law Changes); SCR 621 (food/cigarette tax swap). I encourage you to follow the above links to read the bills for yourselves.


Friday, April 13, 2007

New Laws - SB 2369 - Phys Ed for K-8 Students

The Mississippi Healthy Students Act, SB 2369, was passed this past session requiring Kindergarten through 8th grade students to get 150 minutes of exercise per week and 45 minutes of health per week. Additionally high school students are required to get a .5 credit in phys ed or physical activity. This also appears to create local school health councils with members appointed from parents, teachers, students, administrators and about anyone else you can think of.

For the actual logistics dealing with this new law it looks like in Section 2 paragraph 3 the legislature is supposed to appropriate money to hire a "physical activity coordinator" and the schools must adopt a Wellness Plan by the beginning of the 2006-07 school year (which is almost over) and beginning with the 2008-09 school year the "plan shall also promote increased physical activity, healthy eating habits and abstinence from the use of tobacco and illegal drugs through programs that incorporate healthy lifestyle choices ..." The entire act is effect on July 1, 2007.

The couple of questions I had when reading this is when do schools have to be compliant?, and why wait until 08-09 to put physical activity in the Wellness Plan if the Act is effective July 2007? This bill, SB 2369, looks so bare that you can't really tell what is going on. It makes a blanket statement of more minutes for Phys Ed and Health but no start date because, at least to me, it doesn't appear to be an actual part of a Wellness Plan that doesn't go into effect until 2008 and even if it did what looks like the Wellness Plan seems to be the same thing people have been wanting for years.

My assumptions are that the more Phys Ed starts this August (of 2007) and these magical plans don't have to incorporate Phys Ed until 2008 (which will actually be after they are already in effect).

If anyone can provide clarity on this for me, please do so. I think I agree with the premise but this appears to be a prime example of legislative confusion.